How to Add an Aerating Fountain to Your Pond
Is your pond starting to look a little green? Join homesteader Joe Thomas as he gives you the low-down on installing your own aerating fountain.
Is your pond starting to look a little green? Join homesteader Joe Thomas as he gives you the low-down on installing your own aerating fountain.
Not quite sure what to do with your front porch railing? Join Danny Lipford to help decide on whether to renovate or wreck it.
Raised garden beds offer all sorts of possibilities. In this article, we explore the different kinds of materials, and DIY build options, that can have you planting in a weekend—or as little as an hour!
Have a backyard plagued by routine run-ins with excess stormwater runoff? Pro angler Grae Buck has an effective, attractive solution: rain gardens.
Tune in as Brian Latimer finishes tackling one of his biggest DIY projects yet: converting an ordinary garage into an extraordinary fishing workshop!
Want to kick your lawn’s look up a notch? Here’s the techniques and patterns veteran landscaper and pro bass angler Brian Latimer says you should know.