Want to grow backyard herbs or vegetables, but have either limited knowledge or space to do so? Then, consider container gardening as a great cultivating option. Perfect for confined or limited-sun spaces, container gardening allows you to grow plants virtually anywhere. And, you can easily move them whenever or wherever needed. Follow these how to grow vegetable container garden steps from our friends at Mother Earth News before planting yours this spring.
Vegetable Container Gardening Steps
1. Select Plants Wisely First, determine the plants you’d like to grow and then research the most suitable varieties. Keep in mind that some might not thrive in containers.
2. Choose Your Container Whether store-bought or recycled, there’s an array of container styles to choose from. Just be sure to select one that’s sized appropriately, and drains properly.
3. Use the Right Soil Experts recommend not using heavy or garden soils, as both tend to compact in containers. Instead, opt for peat-based potting soils or potting mixes that are specifically formulated for herbs, veggies and flowers.
4. Care and Harvest Properly Once planted, all your plants should need is ample water, sunlight and possibly some fertilizer. When in doubt, refer to your plant’s hangtag for proper care and harvesting instructions.