Spring’s the prime time for yard cleanup, which includes properly prepping lawns for the pending growing season. In this video, Outdoors With The Morgans YouTube creator Mike Morgan shares the spring lawn clean-up and makeover tips his family follows on their rural property.
Mike’s Top-5 Spring Lawn Prep Tips
- Check the mower. The first thing Mike does in preparation for spring mowing season is give his mower a thorough check-up. In particular, he checks the blades’ sharpness, and then the engine to ensure it’s in proper working condition.
- Clean up. Next, Mike cleans up around his lawn. Because his property has a lot of trees, Mike spends at least one day each spring blowing leaves and debris off it. Debris removal both increases lawn growth and decreases bare spots.
- Patch bare spots. Next, Mike fills any bare spots he’s identified with topsoil, seed and water. Thankfully, the rain-blessed area he calls home provides an ample supply of water needed to quickly spur new grass growth.
- Overseed. Mike credits much of his lawn’s lushness to the overseeding—namely in shady areas around the house—he does each spring.
- The first mow. Once it’s time to mow, Mike relies on his Lazer Z S Series zero-turn to achieve that signature Exmark cut. Although it’s a common temptation to mow at low blade settings right out of the gate each spring, Mike warns against it. Instead, he recommends leaving the grass high the first few cuts. In his words, “The taller the grass, the deeper the roots. And, the deeper the roots, the more moisture they’re able to soak up. This all adds up to a healthier lawn all year long.”
While many homeowners practice spring lawn fertilization, Mike opts not to follow suit. Although he doesn’t reside in a traditional neighborhood, and claims the “manicured look” doesn’t suit his rural sensibilities, Mike’s done everything else necessary to create a lawn any neighbor would be envious of!