Looking for practical pointers on how to kill weeds without using chemicals? No matter how diligent you are as a gardener, it’s common knowledge that pesky weeds are bound to pop up. And, that pulling them can be a pain, too. But, chemicals aren’t always the practical, or preferred, solution.
In this video, Today’s Homeowner co-host Chelsea Lipford Wolf explains that—as a mother of three—she tries not to use too many chemicals in her yard. And, that she’s been looking for natural ways to both kill weeds and keep them from returning. Here are two natural alternatives she suggests giving a try.
Natural Ways to Mitigate Weeds
Mulch and easy weed barriers. Although mulch helps a lot in flower beds, it doesn’t always block out enough sun to entirely keep weeds from popping up. So, put down a layer of newspaper or cardboard beneath your mulch to starve the weeds of light.
Vinegar and dish soap. For sidewalks, patios and driveways, Lipford Wolf suggests adding some dish soap to a spray bottle full of vinegar. When this solution is sprayed on weeds, the soap causes the vinegar to stick to its leaves. The vinegar’s natural acid then slowly burns the leaves to produce the desired results within a day’s time.
While you can also use this mixture for lawn weeds, be sure to do so carefully, as any grass blades that come into contact with the vinegar will die, as well.